The ultimate app for Pro Clubs

Check in-depth stats, look for your ideal club, find the player you need, check the latests news and much more.

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Stats and results from players and clubs

All Clubs in your pocket

Search players or clubs adding filters

Search for players and clubs

Filter by country, positions, score and more!

Chat with other players

Chat with others

Prepare your next matches by chatting with your club members

Check stats

Check in-depth stats

Have a look at player, club and match stats

Check news on The Wall

Posts and videos

Publish and find out all the news related to Pro Clubs

Search for a club or a player

Whether you are looking for a team or a player, you can search in our records using filters like country, rating, or field positions.

For players

You will be able to search for the team that best suits you, and look at its stats to see if it's what you are looking for.

For presidents

If you are the team's president, you will be able to search for players that suit the positions you have open.
You will also be able to look at their personal stats to see if they could fit in your team.

Search for clubs or players adding filters like country, level or position
Updated stats from clubs and players

Stats done right

It's never been easier to look at your stats or those of your team.
Or you can take a look at others stats very easily.

Club stats

See the games won, compare the ratios, check the number of trophies and much more.

Player stats

How many games have you played? Check at a glance how many goals you have, assists, tackles, cards... Everything you are looking for is here.

Chat without giving your phone number

Have you ever wanted to talk to your club members easily, just by opening an app? Now you can using TransferPlay.

Prepare your matches

Talk to your club members about the next matches, prepare the strategies to follow and make them bite the dust!

Comment possible signings

Players can give their approval to future signings, but what better than talking to them to check their impressions?

Open a chat with your club or any other player
Post and read news in a public thread

The Wall

Find out all the news about Pro Clubs by navigating through "The Wall". Players and clubs post their news daily to share them with others.

Participate in our social network

Publish your news, mark it with the "Like" button, or leave your comments on the other's posts

Need something else?

If you want to suggest any improvements or need more information, you can contact us by clicking on the following button

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